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RM1668   Hematite & Baryte

Aesthetic and brilliant botryoidal hematite from a Scotish locality not well represented in collections. On a reddish baryte matrix.

Size: 8.0 x 7.2 x 4.5 cm.
Ex-col Daunis (Barcelona)
RM1665   Nepheline and schorlomite

A vug that is lined with sharp, hexagonal, grayish-white nepheline crystals, accompanied by lustrous, black crystals of schorlomite as dodecahedral crystals. Schorlomite is a rare garnet group member and much of the material labeled "schorlomite" is, strictly speaking, titanian andradite. Excellent, highly representative combination material of the species. Not very often one can see well formed nepheline crystals of this species, especially crystals this size. Very aesthetic specimen from Jebel Bou-Agrao.

Size: 6.7 x 4.6 x 4.0 cm.
Main crystal: 20 x 12 mm.
RM1666   Gold, var. electrum and Erythrite

These specimens show a matrix formed by arsenates such as erythrite and associated sulphides and arsenates of cobalt and iron. We can observe on both the presence of arborescent, filiform and laminar gold aggregates. SEM analysis has shown that this is a variety of gold rich in silver (23-24%w): electrum.
Under loupe, we can enjoy that some of these gold aggregates are formed by small crystals of octahedral to cubic forms. We can theorize a secondary genesis for this gold-electrum. We have analyzed the matrix of these specimens observing that the bright metallic matrix corresponds to a mixture of cobalt arsenides, probably skutterudite, and other sulphides. We will send all analyzes to the buyer. The gold and electrum in Bou Azer was already described, but the quality of these specimens we offer surpasses what was known. A very rich gold-electrum specimen.

Size: 5.5 x 4.0 x 2.5 cm.
Main crystal: 5 mm.
Found in 2017
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1682   Fluorite and Baryte

Probably the best specimen I can get from this pocket. Very rich group of interpenetrated fluorite crystals showing forms of the cube, with very sharp edges, transparent to translucent, with marked color zoning, intense violet color and  brilliant faces. Contrasting with the white baryte matrix. A very, very aesthetic specimen.
Long time since I saw good quality fluorite specimens from this Moroccan mines (Tawrirt, ⵜⴰⵡⵔⵉⵔⵜ), located in the Oriental region of the country.

Size: 8.0 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm.
Main crystal: 14 x 12 mm.
Found in 2017
RM1656   Fluorite and Baryte

These specimens of fluorite show forms of the cube, with very sharp edges, transparent to translucent, with some color zoning, intense violet color, brilliant to semidull faces, very curious. Partially covered by goethite and very aerial disposed on baryte crystals. Long time since I saw good quality fluorite specimens from this Moroccan mines (Tawrirt, ⵜⴰⵡⵔⵉⵔⵜ), located in the Oriental region of the country. An aesthetic piece.

Size: 5.2 x 5.0 x 3.5 cm.
Main crystal: 15 x 13 mm.
Found in 2017
RM1658   Fluorite and Baryte

These specimens of fluorite show forms of the cube, with very sharp edges, transparent to translucent, with some color zoning, violet color, brilliant to semidull faces, very curious. A very aerial and aesthetic miniture. Long time since I saw good quality fluorite specimens from this Moroccan mines (Tawrirt, ⵜⴰⵡⵔⵉⵔⵜ), located in the Oriental region of the country.

Size: 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.0 cm.
Main crystal: 14 x 13 mm.
Found in 2017
RM1684   Fluorite

Long time since I saw good quality fluorite specimens from this Moroccan mines (Tawrirt, ⵜⴰⵡⵔⵉⵔⵜ), located in the Oriental region of the country. These specimens of fluorite show forms of the cube, with very sharp edges, translucent, with slight color zoning, between violet to purple, semidull faces, very curious. It shows unusual elongated cubes. Partially covered by black goethite. A very aesthetic piece.

Size: 5.2 x 4.5 x 4.0 cm.
Main crystal: 17 x 11 mm.
Found in 2017
RM1660   Langite

A nice specimen formed by several isoalted microcrystals of langite. Brilliant and of a magnificent blue color, deeper and more intense than usual. This mineral is formed in the galleries of this European classic mine. On the rocky matrix.

Size: 7.8 x 7.7 x 2.5 cm.
Found in 2016
Classic locality
RM1677   Langite

A nice specimen formed by several isoalted microcrystals of langite. Brilliant and of a magnificent blue color, deeper and more intense than usual. On the rocky matrix.

Size: 7.8 x 5.0 x 3.4 cm.
Found in 2016
Classic locality
RM1690   Andradite, var. melanite

Very rich andradite (var. melanite) specimen, with an intense color, showing interpentrated crystals and isolated ones with a good size. From a classic Spanish locality. 

Size: 7.0 x 6.0 x 5.8 cm.
Main crystal: 16 x 15 mm.
RM1691   Tetrahedrite with chalcopyrite, siderite and quartz

Very rich specimen formed by several tetrahedrite crystals, sharp, brilliant, with golden facets due to chalcopyrite. They show forms of the tetrahedron and the cube, together with more complex ones. They are disposed very aesthetically on a matrix covered with quartz crystals and peppered by globular orange siderite. A very esthetic specimen, for lovers of crystallography and sulfides. Analysis show a silver content.

Size: 8.3 x 6.0 x2.7 cm.
Main crystal: 10 x 8 mm.
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1689   Anglesite and galena

Very rich and brilliant specimen of anglesite, formed by several prismatic crystals, with transparence, brilliance, defined faces and edges and colorless. A pleasure to enjoy the crystallography of the species. They are partially covering a vug in a galena matrix. A sample from former Daunis collection (Barcelona), with many years on his "shoulder".

Size: 8.0 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm.
Main crystal: 12 x 8 mm.
Found in ca. 1970's.
Excol. Daunis (Barcelona)
RM1688   Aluminite

Close to the mellite species, aluminite specimens from this Hungarian mine are a classic of the ancient European mineralogy. There present nodules with orange ocher tones due to iron minerals, but the interior of them shows us a snowy white sugar texture. This mineral occurs in many locations, but in a few with this richness.

Size: 8.5 x 7.0 x 2.6 cm.
RM1680   Kermesite and calcite

Lustrous deep reddish acicular crystals of kermesite, forming an aesthetic and good sized radiating spray that contrasts on the calcite matrix. Accompanied by some stibnite. Really brilliant specimen.

RM1678   Isoferroplatinum

Isoproplatinum nugget showing cube shapes with cavities, some with geometric hoppered forms. Analysis show the iron content, which identifies it as this species. The central part of the Konder massif, formed by dunites, was weathered with the formation of a great depression. This depression is the bed of the famous alluvial placer that contains precious metals, among other minerals.

Size: 4 x 3 x 2 mm.
Main crystal: 0.26 g
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1695   Hematite with talc

Both minerals, hematite and talc, are relatively common, but what make up this piece not so common is this association. When I saw these pieces they immediately caught my attention. Huge size, aesthetic and brilliant crystals of hematite, of good size for the locality and for the species, rich in facets; they are included in a talc matrix, bright, scaly and green tones. Excellent and very interesting specimensa from the "deep" Russia.

RM1694   Hematite with talc

Both minerals, hematite and talc, are relatively common, but what make up this piece not so common is this association. When I saw these pieces they immediately caught my attention. Huge size, aesthetic and brilliant crystals of hematite, of good size for the locality and for the species, rich in facets; they are included in a talc matrix, bright, scaly and green tones. Excellent and very interesting specimensa from the "deep" Russia.

Size: 6.5 x 4.8 x 4.0 cm.
Main crystal: 30 x 20 mm.
RM1686   Mellite and calcite

Mellita, also called xylocriptite or honeystone, is an organometallic compound. It is an aluminum salt of the melitic acid; that is, an aluminum benzene-hexacarboxylate hydrate with a chemical formula Al2C6(COO)6·16H2O. This is a rare rare secondary mineral in lignite deposits. In this sample we can observe rich facets and transparence. Nice specimen. Fluorescent under SW-UV.

Size: 5.0 x 3.8 x 3.0 cm
Main crystal: 14 x 10 mm.
Fluorescent under short wave UV
RM1687   Mellite and calcite

Mellite, also called xylocriptite or honeystone, is an organometallic compound. It is an aluminum salt of the melitic acid; that is, an aluminum benzene-hexacarboxylate hydrate with a chemical formula Al2C6(COO)6·16H2O. This is a rare rare secondary mineral in lignite deposits. In this sample we can observe rich facets and transparence. Nice specimen. Fluorescent under SW-UV.

Size: 5.3 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm.
Main crystal: 18 x 10 mm
Fluorescent under short wave UV
RM1679   Veszelyite

Veszelyite specimens from these mines were known since 2008, but the quality of the crystals of this new and very unique finding (2017) is exceptional. They form rosettes of very sharp, transparent lanceolate crystals of intense blue color, some of them doubly terminated. They contrast very aesthetically on a matrix with rosasite and quartz.

Size: 4.5 x 3.3 x 2.7 cm.
Main crystal: 3 mm.
Found in 2017
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1692   Veszelyite

Veszelyite specimens from these mines were known since 2008, but the quality of the crystals of this new and very unique finding (2017) is exceptional. They form rosettes of very sharp, transparent lanceolate crystals of intense blue color, some of them doubly terminated. They contrast very aesthetically on a matrix with hemimorphite and quartz.

Size: 3.5 x 2.9 x 2.9 cm.
Main crystal: 5 mm ross.
Found in 2017
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1623   Scholzite

Very rich scholzite specimen, an unusual phosphate of Ca and Zn, with elongated prismatic crystals, transparence and brilliance. It comes from a classic Australian locality for the species as is the Martins Well area, about 40 miles SE as such indicates this old label. A zinc and phosphorus-rich deposit in dispirited breccia. It is as mined for a few years for mineral specimens (mostly scholzite).

Size: 6.4 x 4.4 x 3.2 cm.
Main crystal: 10 x 1 mm.
Excol. Hubin (Neupré, Belgique)
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1625   Cobaltite

This is a brilliant and esthetic cobaltite specimen that shows a sharp and brilliant crystal, with dominant forms of the cube and pyritohedron, included in the massive pyrrhotite matrix. Håkansboda is an old mine, opened in the 17th century and worked until 1873, with only minor mining during World War I. An European classic mine and specimen.

Size: 6.4 x 4.9 x 4.5 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 7 mm.
Found in 1980's.
Excol. Lluís Daunis & Maria Ruscalleda (Barcelona).
Classic locality
RM1627   Calcite and siderite

Group of calcite crystals showing well defined edges and faces with rhombohedron and prism forms. Between translucent to transparent and disposed in a matrix of greenish-toned siderite. This specimen comes from col. Daunis. It is labeled as Somorrostro, but we think it can be associated with the mining zone associated to the Bilbao anticline, Gallarta-La Arboleda-Somorrostro. A Spanish classic.

Size: 6.5 x 5.5 x 4.8 cm.
Main crystal: 24 x 22 mm.
Found in 1980's.
Excol. Lluís Daunis & Maria Ruscalleda (Barcelona). Ex. E. Kucera.
RM1626   Pyromorphite on quartz and chalcopyrite

A classic pyromorphite specimen of excellent quality, rich in hexagonal prisms, very well defined, with the typical beige-brown color of the specimens of this German locality. Translucent to transparent. Matrix is formed by quartz crystals which makes the phosphate stand out in a very aesthetic way. It is accompanied by chalcopyrite. One reason to select this specimen from the Daunis collection is the old label of Juan Montal, a well-known Catalan mineral dealer from Vilafranca del Penedés (Barcelona), who was active in the middle of the s. XX until the 1980s. The piece is very good for the locality and the label full of history.

Size: 6.0 x 4.0 x 3.5 cm.
Main crystal: 5 x 2 mm.
Excol. Lluís Daunis & Maria Ruscalleda (Barcelona). Ex. Juan Montal (Vilafranca del Penedés).