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RM2229   Elbaite

Group of elbaite crystals, in parallel growth, with striated prismatic faces, deep green color and good luster. From the former Manchion collection, with the characteristic label.

Size: 5.4 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm.
Found in 1989.
Col. Manchion (Barcelona) #483.
70 €
RM2223   Quartz with inclusions

Excellent specimen of a quartz crystal with inclusions. In this specimen we can see green and reddish inclusions, most likely due to growths of chlorite and iron oxides in the growing crystal. A very interesting and aesthetic piece. From the Joan Astor collection.

Size: 5.8 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm.
Found in ca. 1975.
Col. Joan Astor.
RM2222   Quartz with inclusions

Excellent specimen of a quartz crystal with geometric inclusions. In this specimen we can see green and reddish zonations, most likely due to growths of chlorite and iron oxides on the facets of the growing crystal. A very interesting and aesthetic piece. From the Joan Astor collection.

Size: 6.5 x 4 x 3 cm.
Found in ca. 1975.
Col. Joan Astor.
RM2168   Beryl aquamarine

A good size beryl crystal, aquamarine variety, from those of oldtimes. It shows the faces of the hexagonal prism and terminal flat pinacoid. From the Manchion collection (Barcelona).

Size: 8.8 x 4.4 x 3.4 cm.
Found in 1988.
#279 Col. Manchion (Barcelona).
RM2020   Hydroxylherderite with muscovite and albite

A classic old-time specimen of hydroxylherderite, well crystallized, with sharp translucent idiomorphic monoclinic crystals. Lustrous and with a greenish-yellow tone. Associated with albite and muscovite from the Golconda pegmatite in Brazil. From Manchion Collection, purchased to Dr. Joan Viñals. Previously misidentified as herderite.

Size: 5.5 x 4.2 x 2.7 cm.
Found in ±1987.
Col. Manchion #364, J. Viñals 04/1987,
RM1996   Lepidolite

Good sized rounded, globular crystals of lilac-pink lepidolite. This formation is also known as ball-peen lepidolite after the resemblance to the round end of a ball-peen hammer. Lepidolite is a Li-rich member of the series between polylithionite and trilithionite. A very aesthetic specimen from Manchion Collection.

Size: 9.4 x 9.2 x 8.2 cm.
Found in ±1991.
Col. Manchion #610.
RM2000   Hydroxylerderite with muscovite and albite

A classic old-time specimen of hydroxylherderite, well crystallized, with sharp translucent idiomorphic monoclinic crystals. Lustrous and with a greenish-yellow tone. Associated with albite and muscovite from the Golconda pegmatite in Brazil. From Manchion Col., purchased in 1987 to Dr. Joan Viñals. Previously misidentified as herderite. Previamente mal identificada como herderita.

Size: 6.5 x 4.3 x 4.2 cm.
Main crystal: 3 mm
Found in 1987.
Col. Manchion #354, J. Viñals 04/1987,
RM1944   Hematite

Excellent specimen formed by a polysynthetic growth of hematite crystals, with an exceptional brightness. Rich in faces, defined edges and a good size for the species and the locality.
Rob Lavinsky said: "Splendent, complex hematite crystals form a striking specimen from this less well-known Brazilian locale. The majestic, large crystal, with numerous amazing faces is 3.5 cm and is nearly pristine. This fine piece is complete-all-around. Choice and uncommon material from the Larry Krause dealer stock". [go to mindat]

Size: 5.2 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm.
Main crystal: 3.7 x 3.5 cm.
RM1917   Topaz (var. Imperial) in matrix

Usually these imperial topaz appear without matrix. In this specimen we can enjoy a prismatic crystal, doubly terminated by the pinacoids, with brilliance, transparence and intense color. With small ding in lateral face. It is gemmy from top to bottom.

Size: 5.7 x 4.8 x 4.5 cm.
Main crystal: 16 x 15 mm.
RM1727   Elbaite

One of a very few tourmalines I found in this old collection with this classic combination from the 1960s or 1970s: nice brilliant lustre, glassy surface, intense color zoning between pink to green. Parallel groth, terminal rhombohedrons and a crossing prismatic pink small crystal between them. This well-known pegmatite mine was discovered in 1991 and produced very colorful tourmalines. Nice gem.

Size: 2.2 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm
Col. J.M. Manchion (Barcelona)
RM1242   Topaz var. Imperial

Topaz crystal with intense color, transparence and good brilliance. With a complex termination very rich in faces, where we can observe at least two pyramid forms and the pinacoid, along with two prisms. The base is a cleavage surface.

Size: 3.0 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM919   Elbaite and albite (var. clevelandite) and lepidolite

Group of very nice elbaite crystals, one of them with a good size, transparence and marked color zoning. They are accompanied by a rich group of clevelandite crystals very aerial disposed. We can observe groups of developed lepidolite crystals those give an aesthetic touch to the specimen.

Size: 6,3 x 5,4 x 3,8 cm.
Main crystal: 60 x 13 mm.
RM918   Elbaite and albite (var. clevelandite)

Group of divergent elbaite crystals with good brilliance, defined prismatic faces and complex terminals, almost needle. Good transparence that reveals green color, violet at the upper terminal faces and a delicate red tone in the crystal core. The color zoning is very marked. A gemmy specimen.

Size: 5,0 x 4,8 x 3,2 cm.
Main crystal: 43 x 14 mm.