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RM3400   Autunite and quartz

Very good-sized specimen of autunite/meta-autunite from this Portuguese locality, formed by numerous crystals of this phosphate that partially cover the quartz matrix. The fan-shaped autunite crystals and have a striking yellow-green color. Under long-wave UV light the fluorescence is intense. A display piece.

Size: 10 x 7.6 x 7 cm.
Presents radioactive activity.
350 €
RM3348   Fluorapatite and muscovite

Very aesthetic specimen from this classic Portuguese mining town that presents us with a large group of fluorapatite crystals, which present prismatic shapes with striated faces and truncated by the pinacoid. Between translucent to transparent and with a marked color zoning of more intense green in the crystal core. The specimen is partially covered with muscovite rosette aggregates. Floating specimen.

Size: 5.9 x 3.8 x 3.5 cm.
Main crystal: 1.7 cm.
Classic locality
135 €
RM3343   Fluorapatite, arsenopyrite and muscovite

Very aesthetic specimen formed by several prismatic fluorapatite crystals with hexagonal forms, showing short prisms of various orders, truncated by developed pinacoidal faces. The brilliance and transparence are excellent. They present a violet-blue color zoning depending on the light that falls on them. They are disposed in a very aerial way on a matrix with muscovite, siderite and well-formed arsenopyrite crystals.

Size: 4.5 x 3.7 x 2.6 cm.
Main crystal: 17 x 5 cm.
190 €
RM3238   Arsenopyrite and ferberite

A great sample of arsenopyrite, pale gold to silver in colour with slight iridenscence and a bright metallic lustre, with several intergrown crystals all showing complex striations and serated crystal edges. Accompanied by black ferberite. Good sized and fine specimen.

Size: 8.5 x 8 x 5.5 cm.
Main crystal: 2.5 x 2.2 cm.
150 €
RM3274   Torbernite and quartz

Various small but very defined torbernite crystals. They are arranged on a matrix of crystallized quartz. Unusual for this Portuguese town.

Size: 9.6 x 5.3 x 3.9 cm.
Presents radioactive activity.
35 €
RM3169   Autunite / Meta-autunite

Autunite specimens, which transform into meta-autunite by losing naturally water molecules, from this Portuguese mine are among the most aesthetically pleasing in the world due to their intense yellow-greenish colour, transparence, and luster. In this specimen we can observe numerous aggregates of tabular crystals, some isolated and contrasting on the stalactitic matrix. SEM-EDS analyzes have been carried out confirming the presence of Mg, but in a very small amount. Fluorescence under LW-UV light is exceptional.

Size: 3.6 x 2.4 x 1.4 cm.
Found in ±2015.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM3168   Phurcalite, autunite/meta-autunite on quartz

If the autunite (meta-autunite) specimens from this Portuguese mine are among the most aesthetic in the world due to their intense greenish-yellow colour, transparency and brilliance, they also stand out for being sometimes accompanied by another even more interesting species: phurcalite. It is also a hydrated calcium phosphate like autunite, but with a different structure and belonging to the phosphuranylite group (autunite is part of the autunite group).
In the analysis we have carried out by SEM-EDS (photo attached) the presence of the two phosphates becomes evident: the autunite as tabular crystals, while phurcalite appears as elongated prisms with defined terminal faces, which without magnification resemble needles. Apart from the appearance of the crystals, autunite usually has an intense greenish-yellow color and phurcalite is slightly orange-yellow. Also indicate that phurcalite does not usually fluoresce, while autunite is highly fluorescent. As we have indicated, sometimes the phurcalite is associated with autunite, so the fluorescence we see is that of the autunite. We will send analytical results to the buyer.

Size: 3.2 x 3.1 x 2.8 cm.
Found in ±2015.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM3167   Autunite/Meta-autunite on quartz

Autunite specimens, which transform into meta-autunite by losing naturally water molecules, from this Portuguese mine are among the most aesthetically pleasing in the world due to their intense yellow-greenish colour, transparence, and luster. In this specimen we can observe numerous aggregates of tabular crystals on matrix. SEM-EDS analyzes have been carried out confirming the presence of Mg, but in a very small amount. Fluorescence under LW-UV light is exceptional.

Size: 3.3 x 2.7 x 2.1 cm.
Found in ±2015.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM3166   Phurcalite, autunite/meta-autunite on quartz

If the autunite (meta-autunite) specimens from this Portuguese mine are among the most aesthetic in the world due to their intense greenish-yellow colour, transparency and brilliance, they also stand out for being sometimes accompanied by another even more interesting species: phurcalite. It is also a hydrated calcium phosphate like autunite, but with a different structure and belonging to the phosphuranylite group (autunite is part of the autunite group).
In the analysis we have carried out by SEM-EDS (photo attached) the presence of the two phosphates becomes evident: the autunite as tabular crystals, while phurcalite appears as elongated prisms with defined terminal faces, which without magnification resemble needles. Apart from the appearance of the crystals, autunite usually has an intense greenish-yellow color and phurcalite is slightly orange-yellow. Also indicate that phurcalite does not usually fluoresce, while autunite is highly fluorescent. As we have indicated, sometimes the phurcalite is associated with autunite, so the fluorescence we see is that of the autunite. We will send analytical results to the buyer.

Size: 6.6 x 3 x 2.3 cm.
Found in ±2015.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM3165   Autunite/Meta-autunite on quartz

Autunite specimens, which transform into meta-autunite by losing naturally water molecules, from this Portuguese mine are among the most aesthetically pleasing in the world due to their intense yellow-greenish colour, transparence, and luster. In this specimen we can observe numerous aggregates of tabular crystals, some isolated and contrasting on the quartz matrix. SEM-EDS analyzes have been carried out confirming the presence of Mg, but in a very small amount. Fluorescence under LW-UV light is exceptional.

Size: 6.7 x 4.2 x 3 cm.
Main crystal: 5 x 4 mm.
Found in ±2015.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM3098   Hureaulite and rockbridgeite

A very good size specimen formed by several vugs covered by rosettes of hureaulite crystals with a tabular shape. Crystals are transparent to translucent, well-defined and with a very characteristic light brown color. The matrix is formed by other phosphates such as rockbridgeite, almost black in color. Specimens of this quality and with this size are not easy to find. A museum piece.

Size: 10.6 x 10.5 x 5.8 cm.
RM3083   Libethenite and pseudomalachite

Specimen upholstered by numerous libethenite crystals, they are accompanied by pseudomalachite. Under magnification we observe pseudooctahedral forms, with brightness and an intense green color. From this classic Portuguese locality.

Size: 5.1 x 4.8 x 3.3 cm.
40 €
RM3045   Metatorbernite

Good size specimen from this classic Portuguese mine. On a quartz matrix numerous dipyramidal crystals of torbernite (metatorbernite) are disposed, green in color, opaque. They have a protective treatment to prevent dehydration.

Size: 9.5 x 6.4 x 6 cm.
Col. Erich Laskowski.
Presents radioactive activity.
RM3044   Autunite

Druse of small autunite crystals, with a very intense greenish yellow colour, from this Portuguese mine. Under UV light it is spectacular.

Size: 5.5 x 3.6 x 2.5 cm.
Found in ±2018.
Fluorescente bajo LWUV - Fluorescent under LWUV
Presents radioactive activity.
RM2865   Fluorapatite

Group of fluorapatite crystals from this famous Portuguese mine. They are accompanied by small lenticular siderite crystals.

Size: 3.3 x 2.6 x 1.6 cm.
Col. Trigo (Mataró, Catalunya)
RM2578   Ferberite, quartz and muscovite

Group of ferberite crystals of very good size, exceptional luster and well defined faces and edges. From this classic Portuguese mine. It belongs to the Arguijo collection.

Size: 7 x 5.3 x 4.2 cm.
Main crystal: 6.5 x 4.6 cm.
Found in ±1980.
Col. L. Arguijo, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
RM2551   Panasqueiraite, triplite, isokite, quartz and pyrite

From specimens like these, this very rare species was identified: panasqueiraite. Identifying it in each sample is an almost impossible task. Panasqueiraite is a monoclinic calcium-magnesium phosphate, it would be an hydroxylated analog of isokite. In Panasqueira, its type locality, it is found as massive fine-grained aggregates together with other phosphates (fluorapatite, thadeuite, wolfeite, triplite, althausite and vivianite), with topaz, quartz and sulfides (arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) in veins hydrothermal. The panasqueiraíta closely resembles the thadeuíta and the wolfeíta, but with the naked eye the three species can be distinguished by their slightly different colors: thadeuite: yellow-orange; wolfeite: pink salmon; panasqueiraite: pinkish orange.
Panasqueiraite crystals are not known, but there are always exfoliation planes {010}, also for thadeuite (Caries Curto, Jordi Fabre: The Panasqueira Mines. The Mineralogical Record, January-February 2014, volume 45, number 1).

Size: 5.2 x 4.6 x 2.7 cm.
Found in ±2005.
RM2552   Panasqueiraite, triplite, isokite, quartz and pyrite

From specimens like these, this very rare species was identified: panasqueiraite. Identifying it in each sample is an almost impossible task. Panasqueiraite is a monoclinic calcium-magnesium phosphate, it would be an hydroxylated analog of isokite. In Panasqueira, its type locality, it is found as massive fine-grained aggregates together with other phosphates (fluorapatite, thadeuite, wolfeite, triplite, althausite and vivianite), with topaz, quartz and sulfides (arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) in veins hydrothermal. The panasqueiraíta closely resembles the thadeuíta and the wolfeíta, but with the naked eye the three species can be distinguished by their slightly different colors: thadeuite: yellow-orange; wolfeite: pink salmon; panasqueiraite: pinkish orange.
Panasqueiraite crystals are not known, but there are always exfoliation planes {010}, also for thadeuite (Caries Curto, Jordi Fabre: The Panasqueira Mines. The Mineralogical Record, January-February 2014, volume 45, number 1).

Size: 5 x 3.7 x 2.9
Found in ±2005.
RM2166   Libethenite

Group of very good size libethenite crystals, with a deep green color, bright and well disposed on the quartz matrix. Samples of libethenite from the Estremoz area are not often seen. They could belong from Miguel Vacas, but the label of Manuel L. Adónis clearly indicates Estremoz, where similar specimens have been found.

Size: 4.3 x 4 x 2 cm.
Main crystal: 6 mm arista/edge.
Col. Manchion (Barcelona). Col. Manuel L. Adónis.
RM2174   Fluorapatite

Very sharp hexagonal fluorapatite crystal, with visible colour zoning, more intense in the core area and clearer in edges. Bright and defined, with another doubly terminated smaller crystal on one of the pinacoidal faces. It is accompanied by muscovite.

Size: 4 x 3 x 2.7 cm.
Main crystal: 3.8 x 1.7 cm.
Found in 1989.
Col. Manchion (Barcelona).
55 €
RM1965   Arsenopyrite with fluorapatite

A first line arsenopyrite specimen from Panasqueira. It is a large group of prismatic lanceolate crystals of brilliant arsenopyrite, very defined, interpenetrated, with striated faces, ultimately: pure aesthetics. And to give it a touch of excellence we have a group of fluorapatite crystals, brilliant, transparent and with an uniform green tone. A more than worthy representative from this classic Portuguese mine.

Size: 9.4 x 7 x 5.5 cm.
Main crystal: 24 mm.
Found in ±2005.
Classic locality
RM1929   Actinolite and Fluorapatite

Former specimen of actinolite adquired in marzo de 1987 at the Sant Celoni mineral show by Sr. Manchion. It shows radial aggregates of green crystals of actinolite, with whitish fluorapatite prisms included in. It comes from a Portuguese quarries abandoned for decades.

Size: 6 x 5 x 2.4 cm.
Main crystal: 10 mm.
Found in ±1987
Col. J. M. Manchion. Num. 305.
RM1928   Arsenopyrite

This floater specimen shows a curious and aesthetic skeletal growth of arsenopyrite crystals. Oquerous, extremely brilliant, with flattened and striated forms. An exceptional piece for this Portuguese mine that never ceases to amaze us for its top quality specimens. A very different specimen from Panasqueira.

Size: 8 x 4.6 x 3.6 cm.
Classic locality
RM1918   Libethenite and pseudomalachite

Specimens of libethenite from Miguel Vacas mine are seen in the market, but with this size of crystal, brilliance, sharpness and color not really many of them can be find, but rather few. You do not need a magnifying glass to enjoy the pseudo-octahedral crystals of this phosphate. It is accompanied by pseudomalachite, as is usual for the locality, and on a quartz matrix. A first quality one, yes!

Size: 7.2 x 4.8 x 4.2 cm.
Main crystal: 1.5 - 2 mm
Classic locality
RM1865   Fluorapatite with quartz, muscovite, siderite and pyrite

Group of hyaline quartz crystals, well developed and defined, with some curious crystals of fluorapatite, with a marked geometrical color zoning and inclusions. Theya re accompanied by brilliant pyrite crystals on muscovite and siderite.

Size: 9.5 x 8.5 x 6 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm. F-ap
Found in ±1980.
Col. J.M. Manchion, Barcelona.
Fluorescent under long wave UV