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RM3421   Metatorbernite with meta-autunite

A very aesthetic specimen formed by a rich group of metatorbernite crystals. They present polysynthetic and echeloned growth of well-defined tetragonal crystals, with the characteristic green color. Under LW-UV we can observe the presence of a greenish-yellow fluorescence that indicates the presence of other species. SEM-EDS analysis have characterized this species as meta-autunite. We can say that the metatorbernite species is replacing the meta-autunite, as we can observe as a color gradation in some tabular crystals or in fresh fracture. We will send analysis to the buyer. This specimen come from late 90's finds in this classic French mine. Excol. A. Pouget, Excol Joan Rosell. The piece has a treatment that has kept it intact until today.
Both, meta-autunite and metatorbernite, are dehydrated phases of the autunite and torbernite. The loss of water molecules, those are present in the crystal structure of these species, is a common fact when the specimen is extracted from the mine.
Entraigas (Antraigas), Rodés, Avairon, Occitània, Entraigas, Rodés, Avairon, Occitània, França

Size: 5.6 x 5.2 x 5.4 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Excol. A. Pouget, Excol Joan Rosell.
Presents radioactive activity.
RM3399   Pyromorphite and baryte

Amazing aggregate of prismatic pyromorphite crystals on a baryte matrix. Many of the crystals are doubly terminated and have a good size. They shows slightly curved faces and edges, are a very brilliant olive-green color on the prism with intense yellow tips. On a baryte matrix with galena (not in quartz as the label indicates). This shape is highly appreciated by collectors. This classic French specimen was purchased by a collector to Fabre Minerals.

Size: 11.6 × 8.5 × 3.5 cm.
Main crystal: 1 × 0.6 cm.
Ex. Fabre Minerals.
Classic locality
850 €
RM3259   Bournonite and sphalerite

Large group of bournonite crystals, brilliant, with complex and interpenetrated faces. They are accompanied by honey tone sphalerite crystals. The specimen is accompanied by a label that identifies it as from Saint-Laurent-Le-Minier (Sent Laurenç del Minièr), although it is more likely that it is from the Saguinede mine in Montdardier, very close to Saint-Laurent.

Size: 102 x 7 x 4.5 cm.
Found in ±1980.
Col. E. Nicolau (Barcelona).
110 €
RM3258   Pyromorphite

Druse of prismatic acicular pyromorphite crystals, transparent, shiny and with the characteristic green color. They are arranged on a quartz matrix. A very aesthetic piece from the Nicolau collection (Barcelona) and with a Joan Viñals label.

Size: 6.8 x 6.8 x 4.4 cm.
Found in ±1990.
Col J. Viñals. Col. E. Nicolau (Barcelona).
Classic locality
140 €
RM3241   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 7.2 x 5 x 3.8 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Analyzed specimen with report
200 €
RM3240   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

La dadsonita es un raro cloro-sulfoantimoniuro de plomo (1 átomo de cloro por cada 60 de azufre), composicionalmente difiere de la boulangerita por este anión de cloro. En la zona de las "bad-lands" de Sant Ponç (o Saint-Pons) se encuentran niveles lenticulares de siderita y calcita. La formación de esta rara sulfosal se basa en la redisolución de otras sulfosales en presencia de cloruros.
Las finas agujas de dadsonita suelen aparecen incluídas en calcita, junto con boulangerita. Una vez la calcita se elimina mediante procesos químicos als finas agujas afloran en toda su belleza. También se la puede encontrar formando agregados radiales en cavidades de la matriz. Probablemente, la dadsonita de Sant Ponç puede considerarse entre las mejores del mundo.

Size: 6.6 x 5.2 x 4.3 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Analyzed specimen with report
160 €
RM3269   Allanite-(Ce) and dolomite

The allanite-(Ce) specimens from Trimouns are a classic of French mineralogy. It should be said that if these crystals are analyzed compositionally, a zoning with dissakisite-(Ce) is observed. Both species belong to the epidote group and are compositionally differentiated by the presence of Fe(II) (allanite) and Mg (the second). In this specimen we can observe several well-defined crystals of this mineral, one of them larger, which contrasts with the dolomite matrix.

Size: 7 x 5.8 x 5.5 cm.
Main crystal: 9 mm.
Classic locality
RM3159   Fluorite with intense colour zoning

These fluorite specimens from the classic Valzergues Fluorite mine, in France, are highly prized among collectors. This specimen shows a group of cubic crystals with a beautiful golden hue inside and a violet "phantom" zoned line following the edges. The front of the specimen is undamaged, the back shows contact with the vein wall from which it was removed, as is the case with all specimens from this mine. It fluoresces under ultraviolet (LW) light.

Size: 5.6 x 4.7 x 4 cm.
Main crystal: 22 x 22 mm.
Found in ±1996.
Classic locality
220 €
RM3158   Fluorite with intense colour zoning

These fluorite specimens from the classic Valzergues Fluorite mine, in France, are highly prized among collectors. This specimen shows a group of cubic crystals with a beautiful golden hue inside and a violet "phantom" zoned line following the edges. The front of the specimen is undamaged, the back shows contact with the vein wall from which it was removed, as is the case with all specimens from this mine. It fluoresces under ultraviolet (LW) light.

Size: 5.7 x 5 x 3.7 cm.
Main crystal: 18 x 14 mm.
Found in ±1996.
Classic locality
RM3157   Fluorite with intense colour zoning

A good quality cubic specimen of fluorite from the classic Yellow Vein in the Fluorite Mine, Valzergues, in France. The crystal shows a beautiful golden hue in the interior with a purple "phantom" zone line that immediately transitions into a blue-green color on the exterior faces. The front side of the specimen is in great shape, but it is contacted on the back where it was removed from the pocket wall. A very interesting piece since it shows an internal green reflection due to a planar fissure and that produces this strange effect. Fluorescent under LW-UL.

Size: 4.7 x 3.3 x 2.6 cm.
Found in ±1996.
Classic locality
RM3134   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 7.2 x 6.5 x 4.9 cm.
Found in ±1997.
RM3132   Pyromorphite and Goethite

This specimen shows various groups of prismatic pyromorphite crystals, with terminal faces of the dipyramid, brilliant, colourless and transparent. They stand out on a matrix of goethite with orange tone. This locality is not one of the most common for this species. This specimen from Le Kaymar can be considered among the best seen for the mine.

Size: 7.2 x 5 x 5 cm.
RM3160   Chalcedony

This specimen has a bit of history... The piece was acquired in May 1987 at a fair in Segovia that was held in the Lozoya tower. At that time the labels were rather "approximate". This specimen was labeled as "Poitiers" chalcedony. Looking for intertwined information between chalcedony and France, it turns out that there is a locality where similar chalcedonies appear, near Vienne, in Mauprévoir. Curiously, this locality is in a historical region named Poitou-Charentes (Peitau i Charantas in Occitan), which makes us think that the correct locality is Mauprévoir. Old and fine specimen.

Size: 7.6 x 6.4 x 4.5 cm.
Found in ±1987.
Excol. Juan M. Casanova
RM3114   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 4.5 x 2.8 x 2.4 cm.
Found in ±1997.
45 €
RM3115   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite with siderite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 4.6 x 3.5 x 2.4 cm.
Found in ±1997.
RM3105   Opal, Quincyite or Quinzite Opal and sepiolite

These opals are rare. It is a variety with pink tones that is usually accompanied by sepiolite. Its name "Quincyite" comes from the French locality of Quincy, near Orleans, in the heart of France. This specimen belongs from the E. Laskowski (USA) collection, but the piece has been in different collections, as the backside label says.

Size: 6.6 x 3.6 x 3.4 cm.
Found in ±1982.
Ex. HJ Gieko; Ex. F. Bauer; Ex. T. Preyler; Ex. Erich Laskowski col.
RM3091   Andradite, var. melanite (pyreneite)

These specimens, although not remarkable for their great beauty, do present historical interest to many collectors. According to the old label that accompanies it, the place where it was collected indicates that it is the "pic d'Espada" (Sword peak) and in French territory. After several inquiries, we can place this peak in the Varètja area, in the French High Pyrenees, in Occitania, north of the Spanish border with the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park. We can observe numerous black dodecahedral crystals of andradite-grossular, melanite variety, which in the past were given the name "pyreneite". It is accompanied by the 19th century handwritten label of Dr. Hugo Francke (Dresden).

Size: 4 x 3.6 x 3.4 cm.
Found in ±1890.
Freiberg Bergakademie - Dr. Hugo Francke
Analyzed specimen with report
RM3077   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 5.5 x 5.2 x 3.5 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Classic locality
RM3076   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 4.8 x 4.5 x 2.3 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Classic locality
RM3075   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 6.7 x 5.7 x 2.5 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Classic locality
RM3073   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 4.2 x 3.8 x 3.2 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Classic locality
RM3071   Dadsonite, boulangerite and siderite

Dadsonite is a rare chloro-sulfoantimonide of lead, compositionally differing from boulangerite by this chlorine anion (1 atom of Cl for 60 atoms of S!). In the "bad-lands" area of Sant Ponç (or Saint-Pons) there are lenticular levels of siderite and calcite. The formation of this rare sulfosalt is based on the redissolution of other sulfosalts in the presence of chlorides.
The fine needles of dadsonite usually appear included in calcite, along with boulangerite. Once the calcite is removed by chemical processes, needles emerge in all their beauty. It can also be found forming radial aggregates in matrix cavities. The dadsonite from Sant Ponç can probably be considered among the best worldwide.

Size: 5.8 x 4.2 x 3.1 cm.
Found in ±1997.
Classic locality
RM2990   Alumohydrocalcite and siderite

Globular and radial aggregates of alumohydrocalcite crystals, white to cream in color and with a silky luster. They contrast on the brown siderite. They come from this classic French mine, nowadays partially restored.

Size: 4.4 x 4.1 x 1.4 cm.
RM2949   Epidote

Epidote specimens from this area of Mont-Blanc are not at all common. This specimen was purchased by Joan Astor in Chamonix. It is an idiomorphic crystal, of a good size, with well-defined faces, except for one in the upper part that is fractured. We can also observe growth fissures. This specimen has its history since it was acquired from Francesc Garcia, one of the referents of Catalan mountaineering.

Size: 4 x 2.8 x 1.3 cm.
Found in ±1975.
Col. Joan Astor (Barcelona).
Classic locality
RM2847   "Window" quratz

Quartz specimen with marked "window" growths with inclusions. These Allos pass crystals are not very common on the market. Allos pass is situated on the edge of Mercantour National Park approximately 20 km from the small village of Barcelonnette.

Size: 8.5 x 6.3 x 3 cm.
65 €