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RM3289   Fluorite

Este ejemplar de fluorita de la cantera Berta nos muestra grupos de cristales pero también cristales aislados. La matriz es la granodiorita de color rojo "antigua" y se halla tapizada por diminutos octaedros de fluorita casi incoloros. Si algo hay que destacar de esta pieza es que los cristales octaédricos de fluorita muestran en los vértices las caras del rombododecaedro, del cubo y del tetraquishexaedro.

Size: 5.9 x 5.4 x 2.6 cm.
Main crystal: 8 mm.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
45 €
RM3288   Fluorite

This specimen of fluorite from the Berta quarry shows us a group of crystals but also isolated crystals. The matrix is "old" red granodiorite and is lined by tiny, almost colorless fluorite octahedrons.

Size: 5 x 3.5 x 1.8 cm.
Main crystal: 9.5 mm.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM2972   Fluorite

This specimen of fluorite from the Berta quarry shows us groups of crystals but also isolated crystals. The matrix is "old" red granodiorite and is lined by tiny, almost colorless fluorite octahedrons. If there is something to be highlighted about this piece, it is that the octahedral fluorite crystals show the faces of the rhombododecahedron, the cube and the tetrakishexahedron at the vertices.

Size: 10.4 x 3.4 x 3.3 cm.
Main crystal: 8 mm.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM2971   Fluorite and calcite

Group of octahedral fluorite crystals, transparent and showing an intense green color. They are accompanied by small calcite crystals, very faceted, transparent and brilliant. Both fluorite and calcite fluoresce under long-wave ultraviolet light. This type of gray granite matrix is classic for the most modern specimens and comes from the lower levels of the Berta quarry.

Size: 6.3 x 4.5 x 3.4 cm.
Main crystal: 13 mm edge/arista.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM2970   Fluorite, quartz and pyrite

Group of octahedral fluorite crystals, translucent to transparent. They show defined faces and edges and an intense green color. They are accompanied by small quartz and pyrite crystals peppering some of the octahedron faces. This type of gray granite matrix is classic for the most modern specimens and comes from the lower levels of the Berta quarry.

Size: 5.7 x 4.6 x 2.1 cm.
Main crystal: 12 mm edge.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM2951   Fluorite

Very good sized specimen of fluorite from this classic Catalan quarry. On the "old" matrix of orange granodiorite there are various groups of crystals, some of them isolated, with octahedral shapes. They have a semi-matte luster and a uniform green color. Very fluorescent under LW-UV light. Specimens of fluorite from this quarry are highly prized by collectors.

Size: 12 x 6.6 x 5.6 cm.
Main crystal: 1.1 cm.
Found in ±1999.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
100 €
RM2568   Goethite after pyrite with fluorite

This specimen of goethite after pyrite from Pedrera Berta (El Papiol, Barcelona) shows several cubic crystals completely transformed into goethite and limonite. Very brilliant and with fluorite on matrix. A classic of this mine, nowadays not easy to find. It belongs to the Joan Astor collection (Barcelona), with a handwritten and typewritten label.

Size: 6.6 x 5.8 x 2.6 cm.
Main crystal: 6 x 6 mm.
Found in ±1975.
Col. J. Astor, Barcelona.
Classic locality
RM2559   Smithsonite and malachite

On this classic matrix from Pedrera Berta (quarry), with quartz, fluorite, pyrolusite... we can observe some cavities in which some small but brilliant rhombohedral smithsonite crystals stand out, with a golden color. Viewed under magnification they are really aesthetic to take a "microphoto". They are accompanied by malachite aggregates. Collected by the well-known Catalan mineral collector Manuel Moreno "Manolo" and from the Joan Astor collection, with labels.

Size: 8.6 x 5.2 x 3.5 cm.
Found in ±1974.
Col. J. Astor, Barcelona.
Classic locality
RM2177   Fluorite

Group of octahedral fluorite crystals, of intense green color and in stepped growths. From the classic Berta Quarry, in which it is now totally forbidden to extract minerals.

Size: 2.8 x 2.4 x 1.8 cm.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM2039   Octahedral fluorite

Group of sharp isolated octahedral fluorite crystals, from translucent to transparent. They show an interesting slight apple green color. They are accompanied by small quartz crystals. On a granite matrix. This matrix is classic for modern specimens and comes from low levels of the Berta quarry.

Size: 6.5 x 4.4 x 4.6 cm.
Main crystal: 0.8 cm.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
55 €
RM1998   Greenockite

Curious specimen of greenockite of this classic locality of the Catalan mineralogy. Under loupe, aggregates of intense yellow color are observed, with reflections of what could be crystalline faces. This cadmium sulphide is a product of the alteration of rich Cd sphalerite. It is impossible to get specimens today.

Size: 4.5 x 3.2 x 2.8 cm.
Found in ±1985.
Col. Manchion #398.
RM1940   Octahedral fluorite

A group of fluorite crystals those, at first glance, seem just octahedra, but if you take a look carefully you will see complex terminations. Green color and dull luster. Acompanied by small quartz crystals. A classic from the former Manchion (Barcelona) collection, collected by himself in January, 1986.

Size: 7.8 x 6 x 5.8 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm.
Found in 01/1986.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM1821   Fluorite

Rich druse of fluorite crystals. This kind of octahedral crystals show a special brilliance due to the multiple growths of small crystals on the faces of the octahedron. This fact gives them a rough surface. Translucent, with good green color and good size. The Berta quarry-mine is in the process of filling and restoration. Not oiled. An old specimen ca. 1985, from Manchion Collection.

Size: 13.0 x 6.5 x 4.4 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm.
Found in ±1985.
Col. J.M. Manchion (Barcelona).
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM1435   Octahedral Fluorite with calcite

Group of fluorite crystals with an intense green color, with transparence, brilliance and sharp edges and faces. Transparence allows us to see an opalescent crystal core on which the crystal has grown with greater transparency. They are disposed isolated on the matrix which gives a superior quality to this specimen. It is accompanied by small rhombohedral calcite crystals and some crystals of pyrite totally pseudomorphed by goethite. Very fluorescent. On a matrix with quartz crystals. Samples with this fine quality are very difficult to find, considering that the quarry is closed to the collectors and the works have been interrupted. From a classic locality.

Size: 8.2 x 4.7 x 2.2 cm.
Main crystal: 14 x 14 mm.
Found in 1990's
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM1271   Octahedral fluorite with calcite and pyrite

Group of octahedral crystals of fluorite, nice green color, transparent to translucent and very well defined faces and edges. Peppered by small crystals of pyrite with complex shapes and even tabular appearance. They are disposed on a matrix with calcite and pyrite. From a classic Catalan locality. Fluorescence (UV-LW) is red for calcite and blue for fluorite.

Size: 11.5 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm.
Found in ca. 2001.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM1231   Fluorite with quartz

On a rocky matrix of granite, partially covered by small but brilliant quartz crystals, some groups and isolated fluorite crystals. Good transparence, brilliance and with a intense green color. A mineral classic from Catalonia.

Size: 6.4 x 6.1 x 5.0 cm.
Main crystal: 7 x 7 mm.
Found in 1990's.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM1041   Octahedral fluorite

A group of fluorite crystals those, at first glance, seem just octahedra, but if you take a look carefully you will see complex terminations. Some crystals are isolated increasing its aesthetics. Good transparence and intense green color.
This specimen belongs to the "old" fluorites from Berta quarry, from an area of ​​sericitized granodiorite. In the fractures, if it was enough space, they grew lining the walls. When quarry worked lower levels fluorite appeared in fresh granite matrix, but mostly without this depth of color. A great speciemen. A classic between classics of our country.

Size: 5.7 x 4.7 x 4.0 cm.
Main crystal: 9 x 8 mm.
Found in ca 1997.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM647   Fluorite with quartz

Rich group of sharp isolated octahedral fluorite crystals, from translucent to transparent. They show an interesting apple green color. They are accompanied by small quartz crystals. On a granite matrix. This matrix is classic for modern specimens and comes from low levels of the Berta quarry.

Size: 7,0 x 6,0 x 3,3 cm.
Main crystal: 9 x 8 mm.
Found in ±2001.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM646   Fluorite with quartz

Rich group of sharp octahedral fluorite crystals, from translucent to transparent. They show an interesting apple green color. They are accompanied by small quartz crystals. On a granite matrix. This matrix is classic for modern specimens and comes from low levels of the Berta quarry.

Size: 6,5 x 6,2 x 2,4 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm.
Found in ±2001.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM545   Fluorite

A group of fluorite crystals those, at first glance, seem just octahedra, but if you take a look carefully you will see complex terminations. Some crystals are isolated increasing its aesthetics. Good transparence and exceptional green color. Acompanied by small quartz crystals.
This specimen belongs to the "old" fluorites from Berta quarry, from an area of ​​sericitized granodiorite. In the fractures, if it was enough space, they grew lining the walls. When quarry worked lower levels fluorite appeared in fresh granite matrix, but mostly without this depth of color. A great speciemen. A classic between classics of our country.

Size: 13,2 x 9,0 x 5,5 cm.
Main crystal: 11 x 10 mm.
Found in 1980's.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights
RM543   Fluorite with Quartz

A classic between classics of our country. This is a druse of fluorite crystals those, at first glance, seem just octahedra, but if you take a look carefully you will see vertices truncated by cube. Some crystals show parallel growth and other are interpenetrated. Good transparence and exceptional green color. Acompanied by small quartz crystals.
This specimen belongs to the "old" fluorites from Berta quarry, from an area of ​​sericitized granodiorite. In the fractures, if it was enough space, they grew lining the walls. When quarry worked lower levels fluorite appeared in fresh granite matrix, but mostly without this depth of color. A great specimen.

Size: 7,5 x 5,6 x 3,4 cm.
Main crystal: 9 x 9 mm.
Found in 1980's.
Fluorescent under LW-UV and SW-UV lights