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RM2882   Laurionite, Paralaurionite, Ecdemite, Nealite

Sample of metallurgical slag from this classical Greek locality. In the vacuoles we observe these minerals: laurionite, paralaurionite, phosgenite, ecdemite and nealite. It is accompanied by an interesting handwritten label that describes all these species.

Size: 5.7 x 4.3 x 3.5 cm.
Classic locality
RM770   Annabergite

Interesting and old specimen of annabergite showing bright green flattened prismatic crystals with transparence. They are disposed in cavities of the dolomitic matrix. From Laurion, an European classic locality. The specimen is accompanied by an old label from XIX century from an unknown German collection (till today).

Size: 5,8 x 4,7 x 3,3 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 2 mm.
Found in s. XIX.
Ex-German collection s. XIX.