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RM2546   Gypsum
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This esthetic floater gypsum specimen shows rosette shapes on larger crystals in parallel growth. Very defined, brilliant and with a delicate pink tone still visible. These specimens were more pink when collected but over time that hue has faded. Very fluorescent, with yellow and orange tones. The label indicates that it is from Mexican Baja California, but I am sure it is from Guerrero Negro. A magnificent specimen with many years. It belongs to the collection of Joan Astor, with a handwritten label and another typewritten. It was acquired in 1976 from Bailey Minerals (Ángel Jesús Talabán García, Segovia 1942-Madrid 2007).

Size: 9.5 x 5 x 3.4 cm.
Found in ±1976.

Col. J. Astor, Barcelona.
Fluorescent under long wave UV
