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RM2848   Stibnite

Group of very elongated prismatic crystals, in parallel growth, very brilliant. The back side has a coating of quartz microcrystals. A piece from the Astor collection acquired in 1974 from Bailey Minerals (Ángel Jesús Talabán García, Segovia 1942-Madrid 2007).

Size: 6.5 x 3 x 2.2 cm.
Found in ±1974.
Col. Joan Astor (Barcelona).
RM2469   Calcite with chalcopyrite and quartz

Aesthetic specimen of calcite crystals that form this semi-globular aggregate, with luster. It is accompanied by a small matrix with quartz and chalcopyrite crystals. A classic from the Romanian mine of Boldut; from the A. Trigo collection (Mataró). It shows an intense fluorescence under LW-UV light.

Size: 5.5 x 5 x 2.9 cm.
Found in ca. 2005.
Col. Antonio Trigo (Mataró).
Fluorescent under long wave UV