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RM2941   Elbaite and clevelandite

Prismatic crystal of elbaite, with an intense green color, which shows a lighter green color on the upper flat face of the pinacoid when light passes through it. It is accompanied by clevelandite crystals. It comes from the Trigo collection.

Size: 2.3 x 2.2 x 1.9 cm.
Main crystal: 2 x 1.5 cm.
Col. Trigo (Mataró, Catalunya)
RM2240   Elbaite

Prismatic elbaite crystal, of an intense color, with the defined pinacoidal face truncating the prism. The label indicates that it comes from South Africa, but we are not aware that specimens like this have been found in this part of the world. A miniature gemmy piece.

Size: 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm.
Found in ca. 1973.
Col. J. Astor (Barcelona).
RM919   Elbaite and albite (var. clevelandite) and lepidolite

Group of very nice elbaite crystals, one of them with a good size, transparence and marked color zoning. They are accompanied by a rich group of clevelandite crystals very aerial disposed. We can observe groups of developed lepidolite crystals those give an aesthetic touch to the specimen.

Size: 6,3 x 5,4 x 3,8 cm.
Main crystal: 60 x 13 mm.
RM918   Elbaite and albite (var. clevelandite)

Group of divergent elbaite crystals with good brilliance, defined prismatic faces and complex terminals, almost needle. Good transparence that reveals green color, violet at the upper terminal faces and a delicate red tone in the crystal core. The color zoning is very marked. A gemmy specimen.

Size: 5,0 x 4,8 x 3,2 cm.
Main crystal: 43 x 14 mm.