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RM1672   Nakauriite with tremolite and talc

Nakauriite is a rare hydrated magnesium and copper carbonate, but old formula was Cu8(SO4)4(CO3)(OH)6·48H2O. The sulphate content, originally reported, seems to be questionable according to literature; the crystalline structure is unknown. Palenzona and Martinelli (2007) suggest a formula (Mg,Cu)x(CO3)y(OH)z·nH2O (x, y, z unknown). It appears as fibrous and nodular aggregates of bluish color embedded in the matrix of tremolite/talc. This specimen has an unusual size and is very rich. It comes from the abandoned chromite mines in Ufalei chromite deposits.
Palenzona, A. & Martinelli, A. (2007): La nakauriite del Monte Ramazzo, Genova. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 31(1), 48-51.

Size: 8.0 x 5.5 x 4.2 cm.