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RM1037   Twinned cerusite with barite and galena

In this huge size specimen we observe groups of tabular lenticular aggregates of barite with a delicate reddish tones, along with gray galena that has been almost completely substituted and covered by nice cerussite crystals. Taking a look under the microscope, cerussite shows long striated prisms terminated by pyramidal faces. Also note several cyclic star twins, well defined and spectacular. Different specimens from Mibladen.

The large mine of Les O is mined under the town of Mibladen. It has been worked during generations of miners in search of specimens, usually galena cerussite, barite and some wulfenite. Few weeks before my visit in February 2013 were found some mineralized veins and vugs with the specimens we offer. When those cavities were formed they had been filled by cube octahedral crystals of galena and barite. Due to the hydrothermal fluids galena was partially or totally corroded to favor the formation of cerussite.

Size: 9.0 x 6.8 x 2.7 cm.
Main crystal: 7 x 4 mm.
Found in 01/2013.
Fluorescent under long wave UV