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You are in > Home > Minerals > RM966 Metatorbernite with meta-autunite

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RM966   Metatorbernite with meta-autunite
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A very aesthetic specimen formed by a rich group of metatorbernite crystals. They present polysynthetic and echeloned growth of well-defined tetragonal crystals, with the characteristic green color. Under LW-UV we can observe that the yellow crystals show a greenish-yellow intense fluorescence. SEM-EDS analysis have characterized this species as meta-autunite. We can say that the metatorbernite species is replacing the meta-autunite, as we can observe as a color gradation in some tabular crystals or in fresh fracture. We will send analysis to the buyer. This specimen come from late 90's finds in this classic French mine. Ex-col. A. Pouget.

Both, meta-autunite and metatorbernite, are dehydrated phases of the autunite and torbernite. The loss of water molecules, those are present in the crystal structure of these species, is a common fact when the specimen is extracted from the mine.

Size: 6.5 x 6.0 x 5.7 cm.
Main crystal: 7 x 6 mm.
Found in ca. 1997.

Especies analizadas/Analyzed species
Fluorescent under long wave UV